Wednesday 19 October 2011

Hey peeps, I am going to go back a little bit simply because I can now show pictures from the Britney shoot for "Criminal".  Now I try and portray myself as a cool cat but the fact of the matter is I am not! I have the old albums and yes I know most of the words to "hit me one more time" and the like.  So it will be no surprise to you to see pictures of me as a glorified extra on this video.  I mean without us the video wouldn't  have been possible!  Creating the very sophisticated party atmosphere and some (Carmelle Rudder) taking abuse from Britney herself (well jel!).
Was so proud of myself for not getting in her face and screaming can we be best friends!

The ladies again.  Coleen, Carmelle, Me, Kelly, Amber and Debbi.  By the way the price of our dresses put together
would make you blush.

Britney gush over.  I would like to address the more serious subject of Speed dating.  I part of me feels like I should be embarrassed about attending one of these parties but I am not.  The concept of speaking to 20 odd people in a short space of time was pretty intriguing as in general people usually go out and stick to their friends and at most speak to one extra person so this was like condensing 10 nights out into one minus the dancing unfortunately.  
So after a quick look on line I booked two tickets to an event at Carbon bar West End. I know, if I was really brave I'd have gone by myself but I not, so I roped in the help of good friend Cem Ahmet.
Now obviously we had a quick drink before for some Dutch courage at the pub opposite to check out the prospectives and the competition and to be honest it wasn't looking very promising but I'd bought my ticket and was game.  
It turned out to be a very funny night, a good insight into people their body language, how they deal with certain situations and the use of alcohol as a crutch (me included) .  
Us girls sat at a numbered table while the guys moved around.  The bell would ring after four mins, it generally felt very quick but on some occasions that bell couldn't have rung quick enough. I mean I know there is shy but leaving me to do all the work is just plain rude!  Then there was the overly confident funny man.  I little to touch feely and obviously drunk.  Although I have only been once and will probably never go again I found that the majority of people were normal hard working professionals be it a bit shy and secluded (there were a lot of IT dudes). In 20 people only two were a bit strange which I'm sure is the normal ratio of these types in a group plus who's to say that Joe Blog didn't find me a bit off key!  I went to the event with no expectations and I'm glad as no one bowled me over apart from my friend Cem of course who in the break filled me in on findings and they were that we shouldn't have been there.  Ha this could have been true but I'm game for these faddy events he on the other hand has previously been named "God bod" so you can gather he does not lack attention.
I would definitely not rule this kind of thing out completely as I'm sure there are great success stories and to be fair dating is generally a numbers and timing game but I've had my fun, back to intermittent eye contact in a bar or on the tube or at a traffic light.  A quick day dream then back to the hustle and bustle of life.


p.s if you can think of any shenanigans I would enjoy feel free to put in comment box hehe  

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